forge your brand future.

We're yourcreative brandblacksmiths.

Our team is passionate about building brands that rise above the sum of their parts. We find our client's True North, and then create the tools to tell their story, and help grow their brands into category killers. No matter where you are starting, no matter how small or grande your plans, we're with you, from beginning to 'killer'.

Our skills and capabilities span decades.

Iron’s deep history solving problems and developing fresh creative for clients of all sizes has given us unmatched perspective. We’ve been around the block more than once, and know what brands need at each phase of their lifespan. From initial strategy, naming and logos, to marketing campaigns, robust ecommerce websites, packaging, style guides, and even a visual refresh to keep brands vital and current. Just because we were born in the 90’s doesn’t mean our eyes aren’t always on the future.

Brand Development

Brand Discovery
Brand Strategy
Story Telling
Logo Design
Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Brand Guidelines

Website Development

UI/UX Design
Wordpress Development
Custom Development
Landing Page Design
Website Management

Social Media

Social Media Strategy
Content Development
Campaign Management
Art Direction


Interior Design
Exhibit Design
Outdoor Media

Print Design

Annual Reports
Brochure Design
Stationery Collateral
Easy-to-Update Brochures and Flyers

Package Design

Beverage Packaging
Product Packaging
Software Packaging
Games & Toy Packaging
Cosmetic Packaging



Digital Media

Presentation Decks
Digital Newsletters

Our Philosophy

Listen.Collaborate.Then develop the coolest, coveted brands on the planet.

Color us idealistic, since sometimes this vision can often get lost among the myriad forces pushing and pulling brands and their creators to work faster, cheaper, better – all the while trying to deliver unique products and services to their audiences.

That's why we take our credo very seriously. Our team wakes up every morning eager to help our clients turn over new ideas, think from new perspectives, and create authentic brands that fit them like a glove. We've been following this mantra for nearly 30 years, and it hasn't let us down yet.

Our Process

While each project is unique and poses it own set of questions and requirements, we find the Iron creative approach to be relatively consistent. We always start by clearly defining the project scope, timeline, and budget, and then begin the journey of developing fresh creative solutions.

Regardless of project size, we begin by gathering as much data as possible from the client including audiences, timeline, budget, available resources, and larger mission and objectives.

For branding projects this includes our Brand Discovery process, which includes an in-depth 2 hour session walking thorough a range of exercises, and reviews of the competitive landscape, to help identify the brand’s ‘why’. Combined with the project scope data, all this information helps us uncover our client’s True North that will drive fresh and inspired solutions in our creative phases, and ensures they are tailored precisely to our clients goals.

Our concepting phase involves developing fresh creatives that tackle the project from different perspectives. We lean heavily on our Brand Discovery process, to ensure our concepts are on target right out of the gate.

For branding projects we usually include showcasing the proposed brand on a multitude of audience touch points, font discovery, color palette suggestions, imagery styles, and a range of other elements to show a proof-of-concept that our solutions are iron-clad.

For web and digital projects, this may involve review of UI/UX styles, theme designs, and template review for other digital platforms.

Once a creative direction has been selected, we dive deeper into the design of the elements of the project. For a brand project, this might involve drafting content and imagery for marketing collateral, packaging, or new website, or review of extensive customer touch points not covered in the initial brand concept phase.

For an annual report, this may involve reviewing additional spreads in the report, to showcase how specific areas of content are handled.

For a website project, this may involve wireframing and secondary content page design and review.

Creative production can be time consuming and detail-oriented as we build out the back-end of a new website, populate the final content for an annual report, or design the vehicle super-graphics for a large brand project. At this phase, we often collaborate with our clients on content, work with photographers and illustrators, and supervise printing.

For a packaging project, this may entail laying out each package SKU with new photography or illustration, and coordinating with the printer to deliver correct file types to meet their print specs.

Whether it’s launching a new website, announcing a new brand to the employees of an organization, or mailing a new promotional brochure, no matter the size of the launch, it is gratifying and fulfilling to see your baby come to life. We help along the way to support websites as they launch, work with the printers to assure final printed materials meet delivery dates, manage review of apparel designs from vendors, even help post social media content to ensure each project puts its best foot forward. We’re in this with our clients.

And we stick around– we’re here to help our clients with any last minute details that may arise, during, and after project launch.

Iron Creative Team

Iron is a boutique design agency with a long history of making cool stuff. Our team expands and contracts as projects demand, and we sometimes tap a network of world-class design, web, and media experts to execute projects of all shapes and sizes.

We love to see new talent, so please connect with us if you think you can add expertise to our family of creatives.


No matter the brand scope, to ensure that each project has the right resources and services to be successful, every nit-picky detail is overseen by our Founder.

Todd Edmonds Founder, Creative Director, Dog Walker

Todd has nearly 40 years of experience in the design industry, and has been internationally recognized by ID Magazine, the UK’s Creative Review, the HOW Design Annual, the NY Type Directors Club, The American Institute of Graphic Arts, Studio Magazine, The Communicator Awards, numerous design periodicals, and is a member of the Design Management Institute and the American Institute of Graphic Arts. Todd graduated from the School of Visual Arts in 1986, and has been CEO and Creative Director of Iron Design since its inception in the fall of 1993. Todd lives in Trumansburg, NY with his wife Mary and their 2 dogs, Whiskey and Jake.